You have to finish all the KYC procedures before you could make an early withdrawal.
- Click the "Accounts" tag on the main menu. You can find the record of the Term Deposit you want to withdraw before maturity on the left column. Click on the record to display the details of this Term Deposit on the right panel.
- Click the "Early Withdraw" button on the top right corner. A confirmation window will pop up. Read carefully the message in the window. If you are determined to make an early withdrawal, click the "Continue" button.
- After you confirm the request, a message will pop up showing that you have successfully submit the early withdrawal request. The request will be under review, and the funds will be available to your account within next 7 business days.
- You can click "View Account" to return to the "Accounts" page. Refresh the page for several times, and you will see that the status of the Term Deposit changes to "Early Withdraw Request Received".
- When the request is approved, the principal in the Term Deposit Account will be returned. No interest will be earned when an early withdrawal is requested. You can go to "Accounts" page, refresh the page to see if the funds have been returned or not. Successful early withdrawal will be shown in the history list on the right.